Back Home from Sanibel
/The pool is open!
I just returned from a short trip to Sanibel. It looks like the island and the Fort Myers area is quickly recovering from Hurricane Irma. On the island, many branches and trees were lost, and there are a number of piles of vegetation that still need to be picked up. But the roads are open and it didn't look like any biking and walking paths were unaccessible. Most shops and restaurants are open or should be within the next few weeks, and the farmers market opened for the season yesterday (Sunday, October 1st). The gulf waters are warm and enjoyable for swimming, the birds still run away from the waves and there are plenty of shells to be gathered!
As is usual in the fall, the island isn't very busy, but as we approach the busy holiday and winter season, don't forget you can use the Gulf Drives to avoid traffic. By following the West, Middle and East Gulf Drive, you can get all the way down to Pinocchio's Ice Cream and the Lighthouse Cafe without driving on Periwinkle.
View of the sunset from the Sand Pointe beach